Hannah Richards is a Regional CrossFit athlete, a member of the NPGL’s Miami Surge, a 53kg weightlifter, owner of WOD Freak Seminars, and a coach at SUBU CrossFit in Orlando, FL. Hannah took time out of her busy schedule to talk CrossFit, the NPGL and her WOD Freak seminars.
The Barbell Spin (TBBS): How did you get started in CrossFit?
Hannah Richards (HR): I was teller at a bank and the owner of a gym came in to open a business account. I went in for my first class, was hooked, got certified 2 months later, and the rest is history.
TBBS: Did you like the change to the Super Regional format last year?
HR: Absolutely. Being able to compete with the best of two Regions definitely lets you know where you stand. The amount of talent in the field is insane!
TBBS: You were signed to the Carolina Crush which ended up not becoming a team in the NPGL last season. Walk through what happened when you found out you weren’t on a team to joining the Miami Surge.
HR: Getting signed before the draft was the ideal situation. I was ecstatic when I heard the news, I knew Grid was made for me. A few months later I got the phone call, the team had been shut down. With limited time before the draft I wasn’t sure I would be able to convince a team I would be a strong asset. Luckily I had been speaking to Mather the GM of Surge for months. We had all ready established a relationship so once I got the news I immediately contacted him. Thankfully he hadn’t found a gymnast yet.
TBBS: What did you enjoy most about competing in the NPGL?
HR: I have the most amazing teammates! I love being any individual competitor but you push yourself to another level when you have twenty plus people relying on you. Learning new advanced gymnastics was also a fun and challenging experience.
TBBS: Are you competing in Olympic Weightlifting or mainly focusing on it to improve at CrossFit/GRID?
HR: I compete occasionally as a 53kg. I mostly use it to improve my performance in CrossFit.
Images provided by FLSportsGuy (Instagram: @flsportsguy / Website: flsportsguy.com).
TBBS: What does a typical day look like for you? Training, coaching, recovery, anything else?
HR: Wake up make a big breakfast. Head to the gym around 11. Train 12-2, train 3-5. Coach until 8:30pm. I usually try to squeeze in a run with my dog Neo or some yoga in between training and coaching.
TBBS: What programming do you follow? Who do you train with?
HR: Right now I am following Competitors Training. I have used several training programs but this is the only one I can consistently do and not get burned out or beat up.
TBBS: You run the WOD Freak Seminars that teach Olympic Weightlifting and Gymnastics. First, where did the term “WOD Freak” come from? How did you get started doing the seminars? Can you give a bit of an overview of who should go to your seminar and what is covered?
HR: I wish I had an interesting story behind the name WOD Freak. Back when I first got introduced to CrossFit movements like the butterfly pull up were “Elite” Very few people especially girls would perform them at competitions. People would recognize me from them, “you make those look so easy.” I thought of it as a freak of nature aspect thus WOD Freak was born. I originally started out coaching Seminars with a friend and eventually went to start my own. Currently my most popular option is Gymnastics Only. I have designed the Seminars to be beneficial for all skill levels. Teaching basic movement patterns then progressing to advanced efficiency.
Gymnastics: Bar Work
Pull-ups: Strict, Kipping, Butterfly
Bar Muscle-up
Gymnastics: Inversion
Handstand Hold
Handstand Push-up
Handstand Walking
Gymnastics: Rings
Ring Dips, Strict Muscle-ups, Muscle-Up Connection
TBBS: What are your plans for 2016 (CrossFit Games, NPGL, Weightlifting)?
HR: Unfortunately, I injured my knee 3 weeks before the Super Regional. I have spent the last 6 months rehabbing and recovering. I am finally back where I was at the start of the year but I know that is miles behind the competition. I have decided for sure but I am more than likely going Team this year. NPGL has not disclosed whether or not we will have another season in 2016. If we do I have plans to do more than just walk on my hands and monkey around on the bars. As far as weightlifting it has also been a goal of mine to cut down to a 48kg and see how competitive I can be. Maybe 2016 will be that year!
TBBS: Favorite Movie?
HR: Dirty Dancing
TBBS: Favorite TV Show?
HR: Once Upon a Time
TBBS: Last book you read?
HR: Bossypants
TBBS: What song is on repeat right now?
HR: Lay Low by Josh Turner
TBBS: Favorite cheat meal?
HR: Captain Jacks Nutty Brother from Miller Ale house. It’s a ice cream cake slice with a crunch nutty brother crust, chocolate and peanut sauce. OMG I love it so much.
You can find Hannah on Instagram (@wodfreak) and find out more about her WOD Freak seminars at wod-freak.com