Week 1 Workouts of the TYR Wodapalooza Online Qualifier are Here

It might be the CrossFit Games off-season, but a better name might be the Online Qualifier Season. The individual online qualifier for the 2023 TYR Wodapalooza Fitness Festival kicked off today with the release of the Week 1 workouts.

Week 1 features three workouts that have to be competed and scores with video submitted by Monday, September 19 at 8:00PM Eastern Time.

All athletes looking to compete as an individual this January, regardless of division, are required to participate to earn a spot.

So what are the three workouts?

Workout 1

9min AMRAP
+3 Hang Power Snatches (75/55 lbs.)
+3 Overhead Squats (75/55 lbs.)
30 Double Unders

(3/3/30, 6/6/30, 9/9/30, etc…)

Time Cap: 9 Minutes

YouTube video

Workout 2

5 Rounds x 2min AMRAP
20 Bar-Facing Burpees
Max Effort Clean & Jerks
1min rest

Time Cap: 14 Minutes

YouTube video

Workout 3

For Time
600Ft Shuttle Run
60 Pull-Ups
400Ft Shuttle Run
40 Chest To Bar Pull-Ups
200Ft Shuttle Run
20 Bar Muscle Ups

Time Cap: 10 Minutes

YouTube video

What about the specific workout description and movement standards?

Follow this link to the official online qualifier workout descriptions and movement standards.

And the video submission guidelines?

Good question. Wodapalooza shared a blog post for those. You can read that here.

Week 2 of the online qualifier begins the following week, September 22, with the release of even more workouts. Those scores are due the following Monday, September 26 at 8PM Eastern Time.

The Team online qualifier begins next month and runs from October 13-24.

YouTube video

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