The World Fitness Project has announced 18 male and 16 female athletes to its Pro roster for the inaugural 2025 season. While we wait for the remaining athletes to be announced, the WFP shared dates of the three in-person competitions over the weekend and now has filled us in on more details.
Last night, the WFP announced the online qualifier dates, venue locations and how many athletes/teams will be competing at the three competitions this year.
All of the talk about WFP has been centered around the elite athletes and the Pro division thus far. While community, or what they are calling Competitor, divisions were talked about, details had not yet been laid out.
Now, however, we have a better picture of who will be competing at the three competitions this first season.
Pro Division
20 “Pro” men & women
10 Qualifying Challenger men & women
The Pro athletes who have been announced over the past month will compete at all three competitions in the Pro Division. They will be joined by 10 “Challenger” athletes who qualify via an online qualifier.
Challenger Division
The top 10 from the online qualifier will compete in the Pro Division. The next 20 athletes (11-30th) will be invited to compete in the Challenger Division.
These athletes will earn points towards the Pro Division, but according to Will Moorad the points available will be less than those who compete in the Pro Division. For example, 1st place in the Challenger Division will earn less points than last place in the Pro Division.
Competitors Divisions
Think of this as the community divisions. All of the divisions are team-based, but some are 4-person co-ed teams while the age group divisions are same-sex teams of 2.
- 30 Elite Teams (MMFF)
- 30 Intermediate Teams (MMFF)
- 30 Scaled Teams (MMFF)
- 10 Teens 14-16 (MM)
- 10 Teens 14-16 (FF)
- 10 Teens 17-19 (MM)
- 10 Teens 17-19 (FF)
- 10 Masters 35-49 (MM)
- 10 Masters 35-39 (FF)
- 10 Masters 50+ (MM)
- 10 Masters 50+ (FF)
While the Challengers will need to qualify via an online qualifier, it appears the Competitors Divisions will be on a first-come, first-served basis for the Tour Events. However, Moorad did say the top 3 in each division at the Tour Events will earn an invite to the World Fitness Finals.
While the Tour Events are registration-only, Competitors Division athletes who didn’t earn an invite from a Tour Event will need to do the World Fitness Trials (online qualifier) to compete at the World Fitness Finals.
We already knew the dates and cities of the three competitions, but now we have the venues…
Tour Event 1
May 9-11
Indianapolis, IN
Grand Park Sports Complex
Tour Event 2
August 29-31
Mesa, AZ
Arizona Athletic Grounds
World Fitness Finals
December 18-21
Copenhagen, Denmark
Bella Center
Both Tour Events will have an online qualifier for athletes looking to qualify for the Pro or Challenger Divisions. For the World Fitness Finals, athletes will be invited to compete in the Pro Division based on their performance at the Tour Events. There will not be a Challenger Division at the World Fitness Finals.
The Competitor Divisions will only have an online qualifier for the World Fitness Finals.
Tour Event 1 Qualifier Schedule (Challengers Only)
Online Qualifier Registration: January 29 – March 25
Tour Event 1 Online Qualifier: March 19-25
Tour Event 2 Qualifier Schedule (Challengers Only)
Online Qualifier Registration: May 19 – July 8
Tour Event 1 Online Qualifier: July 2-8
World Fitness Trials Schedule (Competitor Divisions Only)
Trials Registration: September 29 – October 9
World Fitness Trials Online Qualifier: October 6-26