Far East Throwdown Outlines Qualification Process for In-Person Qualifying Event

The Far East Throwdown (“FET”) has outlined additional details around its In-Person Qualifying Event as part of the 2025 CrossFit Games season. The FET has been host of the Asia Semifinal the past three years and will continue in 2025.

This morning, organizers of the FET announced who can compete, how to qualify for the FET and requirements to earn an invite to the 2025 CrossFit Games.


The FET will host an online qualifier that will be used to determine the field for the In-Person Qualifying Event. The top 40 men, 40 women and 30 teams in the online qualifier will be invited to compete at the FET Finals.

Individual Qualifier: March 26 – April 4
Team Qualifier: April 7-18

The online qualifier will be hosted on Competition Corner (individual | team). Athletes will have to register and pay on the Far East Throwdown website before signing up on Competition Corner. Registration is not yet open.

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The FET is open to any athlete in the world. There are no geographic restrictions, meaning an athlete from the United States, England, Africa or anywhere else can sign up for the online qualifier and earn an invite to the FET.

Athletes do not have to compete in the CrossFit Open or be in the top 1% to participate at the FET. However, those athletes will not be eligible to qualify for the CrossFit Games.


The top male and top female at the FET will earn an invite to compete at the 2025 CrossFit Games.

There is a caveat though. To earn that invite, the qualifying athlete must have competed in the CrossFit Open and finished in the top 1% worldwide.

So if the winner of the FET did not compete in the CrossFit Open, the invite to the CrossFit Games will go to the athlete who finished in 2nd place.


While teams will qualify directly to the CrossFit Games via the In-Affiliate Semifinals, the FET will host a team competition alongside the individuals.

There will not be a qualifying spot to the Games for teams via the FET.


The FET will be from May 30 through June 1 in Busan, South Korea.

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