The workouts for the Masters and Teenage CrossFit Semifinals have been released. The workouts popped up on the CrossFit Games website shortly before the 3:00pm Eastern Time deadline. Athletes, young and old, now have to complete four workouts over the next five days.
Similar to the Individual and Age Group Quarterfinals, athletes will have two score submission windows. The first two workouts are due by 8:00pm Eastern Time (5:00pm Pacific Time) on Saturday, May 11. The third and fourth workouts are due by 8:00pm Eastern Time (5:00pm Pacific Time) on Monday, May 13.
The four workouts are as below. [Note: please refer to the Workout Description and Scorecard on the CrossFit Games website for specific workout details for each age group]
For time:
50-calorie row
9 snatches, weight 1
50-calorie row
6 snatches, weight 2
50-calorie row
3 snatches, weight 3
Time cap: 20 minutes
♀ 115, 135, 155 lb (52, 61, 70 kg)
♂ 165, 195, 225 lb (75, 88, 102 kg)

As many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
50 double-unders
10 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 box jumps
10 strict handstand push-ups
♀ 24-inch box
♂ 30-inch box

For time:
3-6-9-12 reps of:
Front squats
Time cap: 15 minutes
♀ 125 lb (56 kg)
♂ 185 lb (83 kg)

For time:
30 cleans
30 toes-to-bars
30 thrusters
♀ 75 lb (34 kg)
♂ 115 lb (52 kg)
Time cap: 10 minutes

Check back as we add more tips & tricks videos to help you on your Semifinal workouts.