TYR WZA SoCal Team Captains Selected & Rosters Finalized

The new elite team competition at TYR Wodapalooza SoCal is four weeks away and we now have the team captains and the entire roster for both Team World and Team North America. The teams will be battling for the inaugural TYR Cup as they take on various workouts that will require strategy, teamwork and, of course, fitness.

Prior to the start of the 2024 CrossFit Games, six members from each team were announced. Unfortunately, some of those who were announced will not be competing next month. One of those was Lazar Djukic. TYR WZA SoCal will be honoring Lazar throughout the weekend.

With that, here are the rosters for Team World and Team North America:

Team World Team North America
Bjorgvin Karl Gudmundsson (captain) Pat Vellner (captain)
Gui Malheiros Jeff Adler
Aniol Ekai Justin Medeiros
Brent Fikowski Dallin Pepper (captain’s pick)
Tia-Clair Toomey-Orr (captain) Danielle Brandon (captain)
Emma Tall Alexis Raptis
Seher Kaya Arielle Loewen
Gracie Walton (captain’s pick) Emily Rolfe (captain’s pick)

Now if you look closely at Team World, you might be a bit confused as to why Brent Fikowski is on Team World instead of Team North America. While we don’t have an official explanation it is likely because all three men previously announced on Team World are no longer able to compete next month. For Roman Khrennikov and Ricky Garard, both are dealing with injuries and have withdrawn from competing at TYR WZA SoCal to heal up.

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That left all four males for Team World unfilled with just four weeks until the start of the competition. Fikowski, who was in the running to be selected as the captain’s pick for Team North America, was likely the easiest athlete to get to make the trip to southern California.

So with the rosters filled, it is time to begin revealing the workouts. Those are expected to be released beginning some time next week. Stay tuned…

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