In the hours following the tragic death of Lazar Djukic during the swim portion of Event 1, CrossFit has met with the athletes this afternoon and have decided to continue with the 2024 CrossFit Games. The schedule has changed slightly and Friday morning will begin with a tribute to Lazar at 10:00am local time inside Dickies Arena.
Gates to Dickies Arena will open at 9:00am.
After that, the team event will begin at 11:00am, two hours after it was originally scheduled. Individuals will take the floor at 12:20pm.
The decision to move forward was made following a meeting with all individual and team athletes and their coaches this afternoon at 4:00pm.
Atthletes received an email at 9:00pm with updated start times and that more information would be provided shortly regarding Friday’s schedule, competition flow and movement standards.
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