Yesterday, CrossFit I announced that the NorCal Classic was a late addition to the In-Person Qualifying Events for the 2025 CrossFit Games season. The news came a day before the start of the online qualifier. This morning, on WODProof, the workouts for the online qualifier were released.
So as you will see, Event 1 features a “new” movement…traveling double-unders! Yep, athletes have to traverse up to 200 feet while completing double-unders. Seriously.
In total, there are six scored events for the NorCal Classic online qualifier. According to Competition Corner, athletes have until 11:59pm on January 30 to submit their scores. The top 35 men and women will earn an invite to compete in-person at the NorCal Classic in June.
Organizers will then also invite 15 more athletes via at-large spots, making the final field 50 men and 50 women. The top 2 men and women will earn a trip to compete at the 2025 CrossFit Games.
But first, here are the online qualifier workouts…
3 rounds for time:
2 DB Snatch right + 2 DB Snatch left (50/35 lbs)
4 DB Snatch right + 4 DB Snatch left
6 DB Snatch right + 6 DB Snatch left
8 DB Snatch right + 8 DB Snatch left
10 DB Snatch right + 10 DB Snatch left
100 feet traveling double-unders
*All athletes will complete jump rope distance on a 25-foot course, marked every 5 feet. On round 2 athletes must travel 150 feet. On round 3 athletes must travel 200 feet. Any mistakes will reset at the most recent 5-foot mark.
Time cap: 15 minutes
Against a 10:00 clock:
40/30 calorie row
Build to 3 heavy power cleans
40/30 calorie row
Build to 3 heavy squat cleans
*Athletes must hit the same load 3 times within the 5-minute window in order for it to register as a successful weight. Reps do not need to be unbroken. Final score will be heaviest power clean weight + heaviest squat clean weight.
Time cap: 10 minutes
EMOTM until failure complete:
Minute 1: 1 bar muscle-up
Minute 2: 2 over and back burpees
Minute 3: 3 thrusters (95/65 lbs)
*Every time through the EMOTM sequence athletes must add 1 bar muscle-up, 2 burpees over the bar, and 3 thrusters. (Ex. at minute 1 athlete performs 1 bar muscle-up, at minute 4 they perform 2 bar muscle-ups, at minute 7 they perform 3 bar muscle-ups). Score for the workout is total work completed.
For time:
Deadlift (315/205 lbs)
Box Jump (30/24 inches)
Time cap: 8 minutes
Event 5
Against a 3:00 clock:
Establish longest unbroken handstand hold
*Athletes may make unlimited attempts within 3-minute window. They must stay within a 4-ft by 6-ft area for rep to count.
**At 3:00 mark, Event 6 begins.
These two events must be done on the SAME clock.
Event 6
Begins at 3:00 mark of handstand hold…
For time:
50/40 calorie bike
50 toes-to-bar
150-foot overhead walking lunge with bumper plate (45/35 lbs)
Time cap: 12-minutes (15:00 of total time on clock)
For official rules, movement standards and non-elite division descriptions, visit Competition Corner. Note, at the time of publication the workout descriptions are only available on WODProof. It appears Competition Corner will be updated at 11am Eastern…