One of Roman Khrennikov’s friends just posted on Instagram that his visa application was just denied for the second time. His friend, Vereshchak Eugenia, shared that she does not know what to do for her friend and tagged Dave Castro and the CrossFit Games asking for help.
Khrennikov, however, has only shared Eugenia’s post on his Instagram story. The specific reason for Khrennikov’s rejection is unknown, but it is likely due to the current political tension between the United States and Russia.
The CrossFit Games begin in just 15 days, leaving Khrennikov with little time to rectify the situation. Two years ago Sam Briggs encountered visa issues and received a last minute approval days before the start of the 2016 CrossFit Games.
If Khrennikov is denied his visa, it will be the first time an individual athlete will not compete due to travel complications. Stay tuned to The Barbell Spin as this story develops.