Ivan Kukartsev Receives Reduced 2-Year Sanction for Tainted Supplement

After winning the Asia Semifinal, Ivan Kukartsev’s drug test came back positive. Kukartsev was among three male athletes who failed a drug test while competing at the Semifinal. Kukartsev appealed the findings and was able to prove that one of his supplements was contaminated. 

Following the initial announcement that he failed a drug test, Kukartsev responded by saying he thought his water bottle had been spiked by someone at the competition.


During the appeals process, Kukartsev had his supplements tested at a lab and acquired the lab results from Drug Free Sport to understand the concentration of prohibited substances in his sample. According to Kukartsev, there was 0.1 nanograms of both substances – GW501516 and LGD4033.

The lab then provided the results of his supplement testing and it was shown that one of his supplements, creatine, had a low concentration of the banned substances, enough to register on a drug test.

Kukartsev shared the results with CrossFit and has received a reduced sanction of two years. The standard sanction is four years from the date of the drug test. Kukartsev’s sanction now runs from May 19, 2024 through May 19, 2026, meaning that 2027 would be the first year Kukartsev could return to competition.

Speaking on the reduced sanction Kukartsev said, “For me this is another victory, a shitty one, but a victory.”

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