Rachel Campbell Receives ANOTHER Sanction for Violating Anti-Doping Rule

Rachel Campbell was sanctioned by the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) on February 1, 2019, for refusing to take an out-of-competition drug test on November 11, 2018. Campbell’s refusal to submit a sample is a doping violation under the USADA Protocol for Olympic and Paralympic Movement Testing, the United States Olympic Committee National Anti-Doping Policies, and the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF) Anti-Doping Policy.

The violation is Campbell’s second anti-doping violation in the past year. In May 2018, the CrossFit Games disqualified Campbell from competing in CrossFit-sanctioned competitions after testing positive for a metabolite of oxandrolone. Campbell received a 4-year sanction ending in June 2022.

Now, Campbell’s failure to comply with USADA’s testing has also resulted in another 4-year suspension. Campbell has been banned from competing in Olympic Weightlifting from February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2023.

Campbell responded to her CrossFit Games suspension on Instagram last May. She has yet to make a public statement following this most recent violation.

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