Torn Pecs Decimate the East Regional Men’s Field

Chase Smith tears pectoral muscle during Event 2 of the 2017 CrossFit East Regionals.
Chase Smith tears pectoral muscle during Event 2 of the 2017 CrossFit East Regionals.

Friday started off with the bad news that Alex Vigneault would be unable to compete after tearing his pec in training leading up to Regionals. But what happened to Vigneault in training would happen to a handful of others on the competition floor.

[BREAKING NEWS: Nick Paladino has also suffered a pec injury. Full story here.]

In total four men tore their pectoral on the ring dips Friday. Corey Lunney and Christian Harris had their weekend come to an end because they did not meet the minimum work requirement (one full round) even if they were healthy enough to compete on Saturday.

This is not an easy post to write. During the first set of ring dips in Event 2 I felt a tear in my left pec muscle. I was unable to continue in the event, and because of that I had to withdraw from the competition. • It’s always tough when a whole year of hard work, sacrifice, and training ends in the blink of an eye. It’s especially tough because I felt I brought my best fitness to regionals this year, and I also thought the events were great for me. But sometimes things are out of our control and all we can do it move forward. • I wanted to post this to thank each and every person who has shown me support and has reached out. I want to thank all of my sponsors for everything they have done for me leading up to this weekend. @mission6nutrition @misfitathletics @dawnofthyme @fitaid @sharpentheaxe @virusintl • Thanks so much to the #shrewcrew both at home and who traveled who support me all year. It means so much to me and I would never want to go through any of this without you. Another huge thank you to my parents who support me in each and every thing that I do. Thanks for always being there for me! • Now it’s time to try to rest up and recover and supoort @clauuddss and @avazquez03 and the rest of the #misfit crew all weekend! On to the 2018 season.

A post shared by Corey Lunney (@clunney) on

Kyle Cant and Chase Smith both injured themselves on the round of 15 ring dips so they are technically still able to compete on Saturday, but after watching Smith go down it is unlikely he will be able to return. Chase, who took 7th in Event 1, was battling Mat Fraser for the lead when Smith fell to the floor in agony.

The video below starts at the beginning of Smith’s set of 15 ring dips right before the injury.

YouTube video

Tim Paulson would end up outracing Mat Fraser for the event victory. Paulson sits in 3rd overall after Day 1 while Mat Fraser is once again at the top of the leaderboard after a 1st and 2nd place finish. Patrick Vellner is in 2nd.

The rest of the leaderboard is filled with Misfit Athletics athletes. Max Bragg is in 4th, Austin Spencer is in 5th, Cody Mooney in 6th and Jordan Cook is in 11th.

Standings after Day 1

  1. Mat Fraser (195)
  2. Patrick Vellner (180)
  3. Tim Paulson (175)
  4. Max Bragg (155)
  5. Austin Spencer (151)
  6. Cody Mooney (143)
  7. Daniel Viger (140)

The men of the East Regional take the floor at 11:55am Eastern Saturday morning.