The International Functional Fitness Federation (iF3) published an update to movement standards for the 2025 season. As part of the update, the iF3 added three new movements and corrected/adjusted 19 other definitions or movement standards.
The 2025 iF3 Movement Standards document is 168 pages and provides points of performances, general rules, definitions and standards of all movements that could be programmed during the season. While intended to be fully encompassing, the iF3 does have the ability to “issue special regulations to elaborate on test flow or special circumstances unique to that particular competition which are not covered by the movement standards.”
All athletes, coaches and officials participating in 2025 are expected to have read and understand the movement standards before a competition.
You can read the entire 2025 iF3 Movement Standards document here.
Here are the new movements added in 2025:
Single Arm Thruster – ID 5.07
Inverted Rows – ID 8.05
Bench Press – ID 15.12
Other changes to the Movement Standards:
- New in “Definitions, positions”: A definition for Inverted Lockout was added to account for changes made to the definition of Vertical Inversion.
- New in ”Variations”: Added “Step Down V.23”.
- Adjusted in ”Definitions, positions – Vertical Inversion”: Removed requirement of vertical alignment and full extension of the hips, knees and elbows. These requirements were moved to the newly defined – Inverted Lockout.
- Adjusted in ”Definitions, positions – Overhead Lockout”: The definition was simplified
- Adjusted in ”Definitions, Positions – Vertical Support”: Added clarification that shoulders must be supported above the equipment.
- Adjusted in ”Definitions, Object on Ground – Dumbbell”: Added a definition for when two dumbbells are used.
- Correction in Clean, Anyhow (ID 3.01): “or hang” was removed from the requirements.
- Adjusted in Bar and Ring Muscle-Up (IDs 7.07, 8.02): Removed the requirement to “pass through a portion of the dip.”
- Adjusted in Shuttle Run (ID 9.02): Removed the requirement to touch the ground at the start and end; now only required when turning.
- Adjusted in Burpee (IDs 10.01, 10.02): Took out “simultaneous take-off with both feet”, replaced with: “Jump over object with both feet. Both feet need to be off the ground, on the take-off side of the line or object, at the same time”.
- Adjusted in Single Under Crossover (ID 10.11): Clarified the definition to explain when reps are counted.
- Adjusted in Handstand Push-up (ID 12.01): Changed Vertical Inversion to Inverted Lockout.
- Adjusted in Free-standing Handstand Push-up (ID 12.02): Changed Vertical Inversion to Inverted Lockout.
- Adjusted in Handstand Walk (ID 12.03): Added Inverted Lockout to Rep start and Rep end requirement.
- Adjusted in Handstand Push-up Facing the wall (ID 12.07): Changed Vertical Inversion to Inverted Lockout.
- Adjusted in Abmat Sit-Up (ID 13.01): Removed target line requirements; clarified that shoulders must finish above hips with the spine extended.
- Adjusted in Press to Handstand (ID 13.06 and ID 13.07): Changed Vertical Inversion to Inverted Lockout.
- Adjusted in Hand-Release Push-Up (ID 15.02): Aligned more closely with standard push-up movement, emphasizing that knees cannot assist in pushing from the ground.
- Adjusted in Box Step Over (ID 15.05): Defined a “step” as requiring one foot at a time on/off the box.
The 2025 iF3 World Championships will be held in December in Vilnius, Lithuania.