We all saw Gabi Migala tear her Achilles during The Duel IV. However, following her surgery you might have noticed a large cast on her hand. In a video Gabi released yesterday she revealed that she had also injured her thumb earlier that day.
On Saturday morning, Gabi tore ligaments in her thumb during Hunting Haggis. The event was a short down-and-back chipper with log muscle-ups in the middle. During one of her log muscle-ups Gabi’s thumb folded under her hand and when she landed on top of the log her body weight caused the tears.
Gabi would go on to compete the remainder of the day before succumbing to an Achilles injury that evening.
But following Rogue the story gets even wilder. Gabi’s surgery to repair her Achilles tendon was delayed two weeks because she tested positive for COVID. Her doctor told her that there would be a risk of her Achilles not healing properly if she had the surgery while sick.

Then, while she was in the hospital recovering from her Achilles surgery, she asked her doctor about her thumb. It was only then that it was found to have ligament tears. So a week later she was back at the same hospital to get surgery on her thumb.
In December Gabi began working with Karol Kruczek to rehab both her Achilles and thumb. Both sound to be progressing well, but it is going to be a long journey back.